Thursday, August 25, 2011

August 24th

"sometimes I see you in my dreams" oil and crayon on panel, 20"x24"

Friday, August 19, 2011

August 19th

some revisions made, these were posted previously but have now finally been completed.
From the diary of Anais Nin, thought it paralleled and summed up this process slightly, "The book is not finished, only half done, because I write the emotional pages first, without order, and then I have to fill in and construct. I have been in a serious, solitary mood, withdrawn, knowing only the austere joys of work."

Saturday, August 13, 2011

August 11th

Get to the point where there are visible signs of the past. Marks left behind or the sense that things that were deemed unnecessary or just bad for the painting were covered up. The layers on top are something more complete, fresh and somewhat resolved or just resolved enough (can never be quite certain) what will make this a better solution? how can I work this out? inner monologue asks the same. a language of marks, shapes and colour. language is so maleable and can take so many forms and combinations.